With the speed at which the internet is being used in our day-to-day lives, we will see that in no time, the world will have virtually everything online. Art lovers, art sellers and art collectors can get their desired pieces of arts online and the investors and sellers can now sell their artworks at the best prices due to the newly introduced online auctions. You will also agree that due to the steady demand for artworks, there has been millions of beautiful artworks being sold online, making it very easy for busy people to get artworks without even leaving their offices, homes and businesses. This online trend as always continued to appreciate in many folds.
Though we may find some artists pulling in lots of sales, the competition for the sales of artworks is ever increasing due to more artists joining the bandwagon of artists using the internet to promote their arts. We have experienced a situation where artists who have different level of skills, talents and intellects have implemented various techniques and strategies for them to draw more attention and to get ahead of the competition. Though all artists are trying their best to be best, fighting very hard to be ahead of others, what is it that many art buyers and collectors are interested in?
Description: before you decide to make a listing on any online auctions or online art store, you should take time to plot out a well written description of the product you are putting up for sale. You should also understand what the artwork is all about and the audience that you are targeting. How much they are willing to part with, all depends on the description of your artworks. When you also know much about your artwork, you will not be caught rating your artwork at a rate too high or too low. First, you should take time to understand the quality of the artwork, its significance and its saleable characteristics, this will help you appeal to all buyers and art collectors, and this will even make them have an interest in purchasing your artwork.
Note: not having a description on you products or having incomplete descriptions may cause you to have little or no sales of your artworks. And in situations when you are suffering little turn-up you may end up selling your arts at a below-per price.
Bids: we call it an auction, which is more reason why you should appeal to your buyers, and appealing to your buyers also touches as far as the bid rate you set, are your starting bids very high? The secret of many successful sellers is that when they started, they set a very low starting bid on their product. We call it an auction, not fixed price sales, so the starting bid isn’t the final amount you sell your artwork, setting a minimum starting bid allows for more bids because most people won’t mind parting with little money. As time goes by, you will start seeing higher bids, bidding closes, and you sell your artwork for the highest bidder. All this is done to build your reputation as a wanted and trusted seller, as time goes by, you may either decide to choose a high starting bid or still stay with the strategy of using low starting bids, all that depends only on you.
Timing: a strategy that will really be helpful if implemented is the closing time for your bid; try to close bidding at a time that most people will be at home, this is really beneficial if you are expecting higher bids. You should also close your biddings on days like Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Saturday during the early evenings. Your aim in doing that is to target when people will be relaxed and when they will not likely be on bed; you get more eyes on your art as the bids are closing. This strategy has been found to be helpful as they have potentials to deliver some last minute tempting bids on you artworks.
Images: if you expect people to put their hard-earned cash on something, you should at least show them that it is worth the cash. When you have bad and unclear images on any of your artworks, there is a possibility that you get little views on the artwork; and when people don’t even waste time looking at it, how do you convert it into bids? Take one, two or even three clear images of your art, take pictures of all sides if the work may have any hidden angles, try to ensure that the images are either 100kb or below 110kb (to get more downloads), and lastly have descriptions that detail everything about your art that is relevant, then wait for the bids to start flying in.